
Works in Progress Webinar: More Accurately Measuring Item Downloads from Institutional Repositories

Researchers from Montana State University, OCLC Research, the University of New Mexico and the Association of Research Libraries have developed a new web service that accurately measures item downloads from institutional repositories (IR).

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Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University

Jeff Mixter, OCLC Research


Webinar files

Slides (.pptx)




Researchers from Montana State University, OCLC Research, the University of New Mexico and the Association of Research Libraries have developed a new web service that accurately measures item downloads from institutional repositories (IR).

The web service called RAMP (Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal) represents a dramatic improvement in web analytics. The researchers have demonstrated that page-tagging analytics methods, such as Google Analytics, typically undercount item downloads from IR because they are not designed to measure non-HTML file downloads, while log file analytics typically over-count due to enormous robot traffic.

The research was funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through a grant proposal submitted by the partners in 2014 titled "Measuring Up: Assessing Accuracy of Reported Use and Impact of Digital Repositories." An article reporting the research appears in Library Hi Tech, Volume 35 Issue 1 (DOI:

This webinar will be of interest to those who work with institutional repositories, those seeking to understand how and what is “counted” in web environments, and those who are considering the future of library metrics.

Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series
These webinars are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.

What are we working on? What are you working on? OCLC Research Library Partners are invited to participate in Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series to talk about work happening in OCLC Research – we'd like to present our work informally and get feedback from you, our Partners. We'd also like this to be a venue for Partner institutions. What are you working on that everyone should know about? What input would help you move forward? Let us know!


06 July 2017


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]