SEP 25

Works in Progress Webinar: The Shift to Open at University and Research Libraries Worldwide

Join this webinar to learn about the findings of the OCLC survey on “Access to Open Content” and what they tell us about how university and research libraries are making the shift to open.

This event has passed. View the recording below.

Webinar Files

Slides (9MB - pptx)
OCLC open content survey findings
OCLC activities on open content, generally
Collection Directions: The Evolution of Library Collections and Collecting
Dempsey, Lorcan. 2013. The Emergence of the Collective Collection: Analyzing Aggregate Print Library Holdings. 
Dempsey, Lorcan, 2016. Library collections in the life of the user: two directions. LIBER Quarterly, 26(4), pp.338–359.
Blog post on the facilitated collection
Follow our the OCLC RLP blog


Titia van der Werf, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research 


OCLC Research developed a survey to map and align library open content activities, to help cultivate a shared understanding of how much libraries are already invested in this type of content and how they can meaningfully work together to leverage their efforts. What are libraries doing to support open content? What are the sources of investment for their open content activities and in which areas are they planning to invest more to accelerate impact? In which areas can scale make a difference? How can OCLC help? The survey was designed to inform OCLC’s Global Council and help guide the cooperative in building a common foundation for cooperation to widen access to free, online content.   

During this webinar, Titia van der Werf will share results pertaining to the category of university and research libraries, which—with more than 500 respondents from nearly 70 countries—formed the largest group of respondents and provided a powerful and current snapshot of the state of open content support in higher education and research worldwide. The presentation will look at the results through the lens of Lorcan Dempsey’s Collections Directions, which provides libraries a framework for talking about environmental trends and changing patterns of investment across collection categories. The webinar will share the many questions raised by the findings and suggestions for further exploration and open the floor for discussion.

This webinar will be of interest to library leaders and librarians responsible for services supporting open content. Given the broad scope of “open content” and that this type of content is embedded in more areas of library services than many are aware of, it will be relevant to many areas of responsibilities, including e-resources, collection management, acquisitions, public services, digital collections, repositories, research data support, bibliometrics and assessment.

  Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series

These webinars are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.

Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series to talk about work happening in OCLC Research – we'd like to present our work informally and get feedback from you, our Partners. We'd also like this to be a venue for Partner institutions. What are you working on that everyone should know about? What input would help you move forward? Let us know!








25 September 2019


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
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Thursday, September 25, 2019 8:00 am 
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Thursday, September 25, 2019 4:00 pm
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Friday, September 26, 2019 1:00 am
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