Works in Progress Webinar: Partnering across the research enterprise to create robust research support at Montana State University
Learn about Montana State University’s newly established Research Alliance, an example of how libraries are establishing “beyond the library” operational structures to support institutional priorities.
This event is on-demand. View the recording below.
- Social interoperability at Montana State University:
- Blog series on The Library Beyond the Library:
- MSU Research Alliance:
- Office of Research Development (ORD):
- Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCI):
- Undergraduate Research (UR):
- Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE):
- Jason Clark, Head, Research Analytics Optimization, and Data services, Montana State University Library
- Nicole Motzer, Director, Office of Research Development, Montana State University
- Coltran Hophan-Nichols, Director of Systems and Research Computing, Montana State University
- Chatanika "Nika" Stoop, Assistant Director, Center for Faculty Excellence, Montana State University
- Anna Tuttle, Director, Undergraduate Scholars Program, Montana State University
Libraries are increasingly engaged in partnerships with other units across campus in order to support institutional needs in research support. In many cases, this means the establishment of new operational structures that extend beyond internal library hierarchies and allow libraries–and their partners–to synergistically support institutional priorities.
In 2023, Montana State University established a new Research Alliance, comprised of units across campus that includes the Office of Research Development, Center for Faculty Excellence, Research Cyberinfrastructure, the Undergraduate Scholars Program, and the MSU Library, all now physically hosted in the library. Each unit retains its place and suite of services in the existing campus hierarchy, but the library is operationally positioned as the hub of research support for the institution.
In this presentation, participants in the Research Alliance provide a retrospective view of this partnership after one year, particularly reflecting on the challenges and benefits of this new operational arrangement. In particular, this effort has meant increased visibility to the library among campus stakeholders, helping to connect the library value proposition more closely with institutional priorities.
This webinar will be relevant to anyone interested in research support, cross-campus collaboration, and adept communication of the library’s value proposition.
All affiliates of OCLC Research Library Partnership organizations are invited to participate.
02 October 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]
Live webinar sessions are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.