
Distinguished Seminars by speaker

Each year, OCLC invites distinguished professionals to lead a half-day seminar where they discuss recently completed or early-stage research that they have undertaken. The following table lists speakers in alphabetical order by their last names.

Visit the OCLC Presentation Center for more presentations, seminars, and meetings.

Speaker Title Date

William Y. Arms
Computer Science

Information Science Program
Cornell University

The National Science Digital Library ( NSDL) as an Example of Current Research in Information Science
(PowerPoint:1.09MB/41 slides)
October 25, 2002
Pauline Atherton
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
A Forward Look at On-Line Services in the 1980's December 10, 1980
Daniel E. Atkins
Dean and Professor
School of Information and Library Studies
The University of Michigan
Towards a National Collaboratory May 7, 1993
Robert Bailey
Computer Psychology, Inc.
Designing Quality User Interfaces June 5, 1990
Toni Carbo Bearman
Dean of the School of Library and Information Science
University of Pittsburgh
Changes in the Life Cycle of Information and Implications of These Changes for the Education of Information Professionals September 16, 1987
Nicholas Belkin
Professor, School of Communication
Information and Library Studies
Rutgers University
On the Nature and Function of Explanation in Intelligent Information Retrieval February 16, 1988
Jack Belzer
School of Library and Information Science
University of Pittsburgh
Personalized Computer Languages for Man-Machine Communications September 14, 1979
Howard Besser
Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science
University of Pittsburgh
Extending Retrieval Systems to Include Images: What do we need to consider? February 27, 1991

Helene Blowers
Director of Digital Strategy
Columbus Metropolitan Library

Finding the Phoenix: Feathers, Flight & the Future of Libraries (slides, .pdf: 4.7MB/75 pp.)

October 9, 2009
PDF (65kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides: 80 min.) Presentation audio (.mp3: 71MB/ 79 min.)

Johan Bollen
Associate Professor
Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing

Mobilizing Usage Data: Scholarly Metrics and Recommender Systems (.ppt: 22MB/50 slides)

October 22, 2010
PDF (110kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides: 70 min.)
Discussion webcast (video: 17 min.)
Presentation audio (.mp3: 64.4MB/ 70 min.)
Discussion audio (.mp3: 15.9MB/ 17 min.)
Abraham Bookstein
Professor, Graduate Library School
The University of Chicago
Feedback Mechanisms in Information Retrieval September 23, 1986
Wesley L. Boomgaarden
Preservation Officer
The Ohio State University Libraries
Preservation Administration in Research Libraries: Making the Past Accessible to the Future January 7, 1986
Christine Borgman, Ph.D.
Professor and Presidential Chair in Information Studies

Visiting Professor
Department of Information Science
Loughborough University, England
From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World April 20, 2001
Abstract Newsletter Article
(PDF:8517K/48pp.; see p. 34)
Jennifer Bowen and David Lindahl
River Campus Libraries
University of Rochester
The University of Rochester's eXtensible Catalog (XC) project April 22, 2008
PDF (126kb/1p.)
Kathleen Braverman, Ph.D.
Global Lead Management Corporation
Cincinnati, Ohio
Social Dialects in America's Workplace August 28, 2001
Abstract Newsletter Article
(PDF:13.4MB/40pp.; see p. 21)
Marshall Breeding
Director for Innovative Technologies and Research
Jean & Alexander Heard Library
Vanderbilt University
Trends in Library Automation: Meeting the challenges of a new generation of library users (1.07MB/54 slides) November 29, 2006
Abstract   Audio:
Better audio, larger file (MP3: 87MB )
Smaller file, faster download (MP3: 22MB )
Michael Buckland
Assistant Vice President for Library Plans and Policies
Office of the President
University of California
The Vanishing Library Catalog: Access, Bibliography, and Technology March 17, 1987
Priscilla Caplan
Assistant Director, Digital Library Services
Florida Center for Library Automation
Preservation Rumination: Digital Preservation and the Unfamiliar Future February 16, 2005
PDF (36K/1p.)
Toni Carbo, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor of School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Information Policy and the Work of the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council ( NII AC) April 15, 1997
John M. Carroll
Manager of User Interface Theory and Design
IBM Watson Research Center
Making a Science 'in' Design November 12, 1990
B. Chandrasekaran
Professor of Computer and Information Science
The Ohio State University
Expert Systems: Matching Techniques to Tasks May 10, 1985
Ching-chih Chen, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Dean
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Simmons College
The Role of Libraries in the Electronic Age as Reflected in Research Studies of Citizen Information Needs May 10, 1981
Ching-chih Chen, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Simmons College
New Mode of Universal Access: The Latest Development of Global Memory Net
September 30, 2005
PDF (54K/1p.)
Selected quick references  
Related item:
A paper closely paralleling this presentation is available (PDF:5.2MB/10pp.) by courtesy of the author and the publisher, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE.

Paul Clough
Lecturer in Information Systems
Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield

MultiMatch: Providing Multilingual/Multimedia Access to Cultural Heritage Content (slides, .pdf: 7MB/53 pp.) July 23, 2009
PDF (67kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides) Presentation audio (.mp3: 83MB/ 90min.)
Paul Conway
Director, Information Technology Services
Perkins Library
Duke Universiy
Institutional Repositories: Is There Anything Left to Say? (PDF:2.5MB/45pp.) October 7, 2004
PDF (39K/1p.)
William S. Cooper
Professor of Library and Inforamtion Studies
University of California, Berkeley
Human and Inhuman Uses of Probability Theory in Information Retrieval April 8, 1988
Paul Courant
University Librarian and Dean of Libraries
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Harold T. Shapiro Collegiate Professor of Public Policy
Professor of Economics and of Information
University of Michigan
Economic Perspectives on Academic Libraries (slides, .pdf: 365kb/17 pp.) July 8, 2010
PDF (100kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides: 72 min.) Presentation audio (.mp3: 32.7MB/ 72 min.)
Kenneth D. Crews, J.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Law and of Library and Information Science
Indiana University

Director of the Copyright Management Center
Indiana University-Purdue University
The Copyright Dilemma: Legal Tensions and Information Networks March 19, 1996
W. Bruce Croft
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Retrieval by Plausible Inference May 3, 1988

Blaise Cronin
Rudy Professor of Information Science
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University

Visiting Professor
School of Computing
Napier University
Edinburgh, Scotland

Scholars and Scripts, Eyeballs and Epistemes: What it Means to Publish (PPT:714K/29 slides) April 29, 2004
PDF (41K/1p.)
Gerald DeJong, Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Illinois
An Overview of Natural Language Processing February 15, 1985
Archie Dick
Associate Professor
University of South Africa

Visiting Professor
Wayne State University
Librarianship and Information Science in South Africa: Reflections on the Parting of the Ways February 27, 1997
Charles M. Dollars
Assistant Director
Archival Research & Evaluation
National Archives and Records Service
Electronic Information Handling Technologies: Preservation Issues March 11, 1986
Richard M. Dougherty
University Library
The University of Michigan
Technological Deployment in Research Libraries February 23, 1979
Kenneth E. Dowlin
Pikes Peak Library District
Maggie's Place System February 17, 1982
Karen M. Drabenstott
Associate Professor
School of Information
University of Michigan
Envisioning a Multimedia Dewey Decimal Classification April 13, 1999
Mike Eisenberg
Professor and Dean Emeritus
The Information School
The University of Washington
The Sky is Not Falling! Opportunities Abound as Library Schools Become Information Schools September 20, 2007
Adam Eisgrau
American Library Association
Copyright, the Universe, and Everything January 19, 1999

Jason Epstein
Publishing Innovator


Reading: The Digital Future July 30, 2002
Edward A. Fox
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
From Electronic Publishing to Intelligent Information Retrieval February 10, 1989
Aviezri S. Fraenkel
Department of Applied Mathematics
The Weizmann Institute of Science
The Use and Usefulness of Numeration Systems August 24, 1984
E. Gordon Gee
The Ohio State University
From Hardware to Thoughtware: Information Literacy and the Community of Learning March 18, 1991
Narain H. Gehani
Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, New Jersey
Novel Aspects of Ada February 3, 1987
Michael Gorman
Director of General Services
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
Cataloging for the Electronic Union Catalog April 1, 1986
Jim Gray
Distinguished Engineer
Scaleable Servers Research Group

Bay Area Research Center
The World Wide Telescope: A Prototype of the Digital Library (PPT:1.42MB/32slides) May 17, 2004
PDF (PDF:41K/1p.)
Jose-Marie Griffiths
King Research, Inc.
Evaluating the Impact of Implementing an Integrated Automated Library System November 11, 1986
Viktor Hampel
Project Leader
Technology Information System
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Demonstration of the Technology Information System and the Gateway Computer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory December 15, 1983
Robert C. Heterick
Vice President for Information Systems
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Demons, Paradoxes and Golden Arches December 7, 1989
Tom Hickerson
Vice Provost, Libraries and Cultural Resources, and University Librarian
University of Calgary
Convergence of Knowledge and Culture: Calgary's Design for the Future (.pdf: 554KB/53 pp.) February 12, 2009
PDF (112kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides)
Discussion webcast
(Audio files of presentation and discussion coming soon)
Lee Hollaar
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Utah
Utah Text Retrieval Project December 13, 1984
Mary E. Jackson
Interlibrary Loan Department
University of Pennsylvania Library
Rushing Toward 2000: Enhancing Services, Technologies, and Priorities for Resource Sharing December 1, 1992
Jeffrey Katzer
Professor of Information Studies
Syracuse University
Toward a More Realistic Assessment of Information Retrieval Performance May 14, 1990
Michael A. Keller
University Librarian and Director,
Academic Information Resources,
Stanford University
Publisher, HighWire Press
Publisher, Stanford University Press
Mass digitization in the Google Book Search program and its possible effects on scholarship September 19, 2003
PDF (116K/1p.)

Anne R. Kenney
Carl A. Kroch University Librarian
Cornell University

Approaching an Entity Crisis: Reconceiving Research Libraries in a Multi-institutional Context (slides, .pdf: 2.65MB/36 pp.) September 23, 2009
PDF (64kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides: 78 min.) Presentation audio (.mp3: 71MB/ 78 min.)
Ken Klingenstein
Project Director
Internet2 Middleware
The Golden Age of Plywood (PDF:1.74MB/64 slides) September 19, 2003
PDF (43K/1p.)
Donald Kraft
Department of Computer Science
Louisiana State University
Fuzzy Subset Theory and Generalized Boolean Retrieval Systems January 18, 1985
Donald Kraft
Professor of Computer Science and Adjunct Professor of Library and Information Science
Louisiana State University
One Journal Editor's View of the Future of Journals December 14, 1993
Tukaram S. Kumbar, Ph.D.
Information and Library Network Centre ( INFLIBNET)
Ahmedabad, India
Indian Libraries and the OCLC Global Library Cooperative: An exploration of opportunities and possibilities for collaboration November 20, 2001
F. W. Lancaster
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois
Uses of Machine Readable Databases in Technological and Social Forecasting May 6, 1986
Derek Law

Head of Information Resources Directorate
University of Strathclyde
The Social Role of Digital Libraries March 11, 2004
PDF (45K/1p.)
Ferdinand F. Leimkuhler
Professor and Head
School of Industrial Engineering
Purdue University
A Prospectus on Information Systems Engineering October 11, 1988
Michael Lesk
Division Manager of Computer Science Research
Bell Communications Research, Inc.
Experiments with Computer Readable Dictionaries March 8, 1988
Wendy Lougee
Assistant Director
Digital Library Initiatives
University of Michigan Library
Perspectives on the Digital Information Environment: A Case for Collaborative and Institutional Models November 11, 1997
Sandra Mamrak
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Information Science
The Ohio State University
A Software Architecture to Support Data Translation July 14, 1987
Donald A. Marchand
Dean, School of Information Studies
Center for Science & Technology
Syracuse University
Infotrends: A 1990's Outlook on Strategic Information Management March 12, 1990
Cathy Marshall
Senior Researcher
Microsoft Corporation
A Personal Digital Dark Ages: Assessing the Fate of Our Digital Belongings December 8, 2005
PDF (40K/1p.)
Robert S. Martin, Ph.D
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Libraries, Their Role And Relationship To Other Cultural Institutions February 3, 2003
PDF (40K/1p.)
Anne J. Mathews
Office of Library Programs
U.S. Department of Education
The Office of Library Programs: An Overview July 11, 1989
Davis B. McCarn
Online Information International, Inc.
Unmediated Searching December 7, 1978
Michael J. McGill
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
Subject Oriented Information Retrieval Systems April 17, 1980
William McGrath
Dean of Library Services
University of Lowell
The Impact of Libraries on International Enrollment November 25, 1980

Ia McIlwaine
Professor of Library and Information Studies
University of London

Director of the School of Library, Archive and Information Studies
University College London

Communication and Classification in the Next Century October 26, 1998

Neil McLean, Ph.D.
Pro Vice-Chancellor, E-Learning and Information Services
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia

Director, IMS Australia

Libraries and eLearning: Organizational and Technical Interoperability March 20, 2002
Abstract Paper
Gail McMillan, M.A., M.L.S.
Associate Professor
University Libraries
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Perspectives on ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations): Library Issues and Responsibilities November 7, 2000
Abstract Newsletter Article
(PDF: 3139K/48pp.; see p. 22)
Charles T. Meadow
School of Library and Information Science
Drexel University
Individualized Instruction for Data Access October 4, 1978
Eric Lease Morgan
NCSU Libraries
North Carolina State University
MyLibrary: A Model for Implementing a User-centered, Customizable Interface to a Library's Collection of Information Resources February 18, 2000
Theodor Holm Nelson
Distinguished Fellow
Autodesk, Inc.
Tomorrow's Online 'Docuverse' November 13, 1991
M. Lynn Neufeld
former Executive Director
National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services
Databases: Dinosaurs to Compact Disks October 8, 1985
William Newman
Principal Scientist
Xerox Research Centre Europe
Developing Tools for Readers and Writers based on Over-the-Desk Digital Cameras May 21, 1999
Roger G. Noll
Morris M. Doyle Professor of Public Policy
Department of Economics
Stanford University
Scholarly Periodical Costs and the Future of the Research Library March 5, 1993
Vicki O'Day
doctoral student
Department of Anthropology
University of California Santa Cruz.
Information Ecologies and Digital Libraries November 16, 1999
Abstract Newsletter Article
(PDF: 1851K/56pp.; see p. 31)
Diana G. Oblinger
Vice President
Listening to What We're Seeing (PPT:1.2MB/56slides) August 25, 2005
PDF (46K/1p.)
Richard Ovenden
Keeper of Special Collections
Associate Director
Bodleian Library
University of Oxford
Managing the Collective Collection: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (.ppt: 9MB/90 slides) March 16, 2009
PDF (67kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides)
Discussion webcast
Presentation audio (MP3: 57MB/72 min.)
Discussion audio (MP3: 20MB/22 min.)
Carole L. Palmer
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Library & Information Science (GSLIS)
Director, Center for Informatics Research in Science & Scholarship (CIRSS)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Practice and Research Libraries: Working toward High-Impact Information Services (.ppt: 5.7MB/41 slides) June 19, 2008
PDF (125kb/1p.)
Audio (MP3: 74.2MB/80 min.)  
Dr. Norman Paskin
The International DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Foundation
The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) February 23, 1999
W. David Penniman
Director of the Libraries and Information Systems Center
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Tomorrow's Library Today November 9, 1987
Steve Pollitt
Reader in Information Science
University of Huddersfield, UK
View Based Searching: A New Paradigm for Information Retrieval Based on Faceted Classification and Indexing December 5, 1997
Joseph W. Price
Chief of the Science and Technology Division
Library of Congress
Optical Disk Technology and Library Needs February 18, 1986
David Grey Remington
Cataloging Distribution Service
Library of Congress
Libraries in Electronic Publishing: Publishing, Information, Delivery, and Library Service Converge in the New Optical Disk Technology November 8, 1983
David S. H. Rosenthal
Sun Microsystems
The X Application Environment June 8, 1989
Yuri Rubinsky
President and Co-Founder
SoftQuad, Inc.
The Exhilaration of Making Accessible Documents: Publishing for the Print-Disabled October 11, 1994

Chris Rusbridge
Director, Digital Curation Centre
University of Edinburgh

"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow:" the players on the curation stage (6.2MB/63 slides) October 26, 2006
PDF (122K/1p.)

Jane Ryland
OCLC Board of Trustees

Membership Consultant

Internet2 Today (PPT:2.89MB/65 slides) April 15, 2003
1:00 p.m.
PDF (39K/1p.)
Gerard Salton
Computer Science
Cornell University

Joel Fagan
graduate student in linguistics and computer science
The Generation of Complex Content Descriptions for Document Identification November 11, 1985
Dana Scott
University Professor of Computer Science, Philosophy and Mathematical Logic
Carnegie Mellon University
Capturing Concepts with Data Structures December 2, 1986
Brian Shackel
Department of Human Sciences
Loughborough University
Electronic Journals--A Paperless Paradox April 23, 1985
Brian Shackel
Department of Human Sciences
Loughborough University of Technology

The Impact of Technological Development in the Prepublication Dissemination of Information: Project Quartet April 3, 1987
Ward Shaw
Executive Director
Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
Local Systems Developments Relating to Networking, Services, End User Access, and the Hardware, Software, and Connectivity Platforms and Approaches November 9, 1989
Gregory M. Shreve, Ph.D.
Director, Institute for Applied Linguistics
Chair, Modern and Classical Language Studies
Kent State University
Software Localization and Internationalization: How and Why
December 9, 2004
PDF (43K/1p.)
Better audio, larger file (MP3:28MB/103min)
Smaller file, faster download (MP3:6MB/93min)
Related presentation:
Internationalizing Digital Libraries: Towards a Standards-Based Strategy (PPT:30slides/791K). Presented at ASIS&T 2004, 14 November 2004, Providence, Rhode Island (USA). [Provided by G. Shreve in response to audience requests following his DSS presentation.]
Linda C. Smith
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Univesity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Libraries and Information Systems September 27, 1984
Stanley Smith
Professor Emeritus
Department of Zoology
The Ohio State University
Video Displays, Work, and Vision March 30, 1984
Ben A. Shneiderman
Computer Science Department
University of Maryland, College Park
User Interfaces for Information Visualization April 13, 1992
Dagobert Soergel
College of Library and Information Services
University of Maryland, College Park
Improved Access to LC Classification and LC Subject Headings for Online Searchers and Catalogers Through Conceptual Analysis March 14, 1989
Elliot Soloway
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The University of Michigan
Interactive Learning Environments May 20, 1992
Elliot Soloway
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
The Mental Life of Programmers March 8, 1985
Karen Sparck Jones
Assistant Director of Research
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
Integrated Inquiry Systems November 8, 1988
Karen Sparck Jones
Assistant Director of Research
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
Foundations for Automatic Summarising: A Framework and Some Experiments June 22, 1993
A. W. Speyers
Manager, Regional Sales
Interstate Electronics, Inc
Voice Data Entry May 13, 1980
Gloriana St. Clair, Ph.D.
Dean of University Libraries
Carnegie Mellon University
The Million Book Project Today (PPT:927K/22 slides) October 21, 2003
PDF (49K/1p.)
Roy Tennant
eScholarship Web & Services Design
California Digital Library
Points of Pain, Peculiar Possibilities, and a Patron Paradise, or A Slightly Arbitrary Set of Hair-brained Ideas (PPT:2.58MB/45 slides) February 26, 2003
PDF (43K/1p.)
Carol Tenopir
School of Information Sciences
University of Tennessee
Electronic Reference in Academic Libraries in the 1990's March 7, 1995
Sarah E. Thomas, Ph.D.
Carl A. Kroch University Librarian
Cornell University
The Library Catalog as Internet Portal January 31, 2001
Abstract Newsletter Article
(PDF:27,753K/48pp.; see p. 27)
Barbara B. Tillett, Ph.D.
Cataloging Policy and Support Office
Library of Congress
Conceptual Modeling and Cataloging Rules January 30, 1996
Barbara B. Tillett, Ph.D.
Cataloging Policy and Support Office
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
The FRBR Model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) December 4, 2001
Douglas Tudhope
Reader, School of Computing
University of Glamorgan
Towards Terminology Services: Esperiences from the FACET project (1.24MB/44 slides) April 24, 2006
PDF (36K/1p.)
Herbert Van de Sompel
Research Library Prototyping Team Lead
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Memento: Time Travel for the Web (slides, .pdf: 15.4MB/90 pp.) November 19, 2009
PDF (69kb/1p.)
Presentation webcast (video and slides: 64 min.)
Demonstration (video and audio: 6 min.)
Discussion (video and audio: 16 min.)
Presentation audio (.mp3: 79MB/ 86 min.)
David L. Waltz
Computer Science
Brandeis University

Advanced Information Systems
Thinking Machines Corporation
Parallel Computing for Information Retrieval September 20, 1988
Herbert S. White
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
The Academic Library Budget Crunch and the Reluctant Conversion to Cooperation and Resource Sharing November 19, 1980
Martha Williams
Professor of Information Science
Information Retrieval Research Laboratory
Coordinated Science Laboratory
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Information Retrieval Research: Interface Comparison, Database Selection and Transparent Systems October 21, 1986
Patrick Wilson
School of Library and Information Studies
University of California, Berkeley
The Work and the Work Record in Cataloging May 27, 1987
Lawrence A. Woods
Research and Development Unit
University Library

Audio Visual Center
An Overview of the Use of Micro-Computers in the Library March 13, 1980
Stuart Zweben
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Information Science
The Ohio State University
Design Methodologies in Software Engineering August 14, 1979