Research Infrastructures & the EOSC: OCLC-LIBER Small Group Discussion

This webinar is the third in a series of small group discussions for the OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion Series

This event has passed.


In this 90 minute interactive workshop LIBER and OCLC invite participants to discuss the future role of the library in supporting the transition to Open Science, particularly as it relates to the focus area of Research Infrastructures & the EOSC listed in the LIBER Open Science Roadmap.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative of the European Commission to build the infrastructure required to support Open Science. The EOSC is still being shaped. Stakeholders from all quarters and two High Level Expert Groups (HLEG) have provided their views. Projects such as EOSCpilot,17 EOSC-Hub,18 FREYA,19 and OpenAIRE-Advance20 are elements of the EOSC Roadmap21 which has been endorsed by EU ministers. Research libraries have an important role to play in the EOSC because of their connections to researchers and EOSC stakeholders.

Participants will be able to

  • gain insights and fresh ideas, particularly through cross-national discussions
  • deepen understanding
  • develop and evaluate strategies and tactics
  • gain confidence in planning ahead in times of crisis and uncertainty.

In each small group discussion of this series, participants will create a bold vision for the future role of libraries in this space. The obstacles to realizing that vision will be surfaced and discussed while also considering how the library community collectively might overcome some of these. OCLC and LIBER will synthesize the discussions to inform community action.

Personal experience of work in this area is welcomed, but not mandatory. Open Science is a movement requiring grassroots participation and support from all areas of the institution.

Note for participants:

This is an interactive session. Participants are expected to familiarize themselves with the relevant section of the Open Science Roadmap prior to convening and also commit to attending and actively participating for the entire 90 minute discussion; those unable to do this should make their seat available to another. Seating is limited.

This will be a ‘live’ event only. Recordings will not be made available.

Although summaries of the discussions will be published after the session, no personally identifiable information will be shared.


08 October 2020


15:30 – 17:00
Central European [Summer] Time [UTC +2]

14:30 – 16:00
British Summer Time [UTC +1]

9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

Time zone converter

