OCLC Research Update: Convening, understanding, and sharing
16 February 2021
The recording from our ALA Midwinter 2021 OCLC Research Update session is now available. Watch to learn more about the latest research and educational initiatives from OCLC Research:
Amid the rapidly changing circumstances during 2020, OCLC Research undertook new projects and transformed existing ones to help library staff and decision makers respond to the broad changes unfolding around them, while also identifying implications for the library mission, and ultimately, library resources and services.
This session includes these presentations:
- Community Stories: Resource Sharing, Rachel Frick, Executive Director, OCLC Research Library Partnership
- Transition and Transformation: Realigning to develop a New Model Library, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Director of Library Trends and User Research
- Linked Data Research, Andrew Pace, Executive Director for Technical Research
- Library Learning during COVID-19, Sharon Streams, Director of WebJunction and OCLC Project Director for REALM