
OCLC contributes to study on public libraries building sustainable communities

OCLC has contributed two chapters to the recently published book How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century (2023) that “examines the capacity of public libraries to impact social change at the community level” and how library efforts align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“‘The Library Serves as an Amplifier and Connector in the Community it Serves’: Building Bridges to Legal Assistance” describes several different partnerships where libraries are important connectors to legal information, which often can be life-changing to the community, such as providing information on how to expunge a criminal record to obtain employment.  

“Libraries as Public Health Partners in the Opioid Crisis” examines a critical way that libraries in the United States are now supporting their communities: by leveraging their assets and their mission to respond to the opioid crisis. Through their programming efforts in response to the opioid crisis, public libraries also demonstrate the ability to support the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations as a call to action for the global community.

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Suggested citations:

Doyle, Brooke, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, and Lesley A. Langa. 2023. “‘The Library Serves as an Amplifier and Connector in the Community it Serves’: Building Bridges to Legal Assistance.” In How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century, 17 – 26. Edited by Kaurri C. Williams-Cockfield and Bharat Mehra. London, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

Morgan, Kendra. 2023. “Libraries as Public Health Partners in the Opioid Crisis.” In How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century, 219 – 228. Edited by Kaurri C. Williams-Cockfield and Bharat Mehra. London, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.