
The OCLC Research Library Partnership

Working Groups

Working Groups are charged to examine specific topics and offer opportunities to engage in close collaboration with Research Library Partnership (RLP) staff. Working groups are formed for a defined period and members are expected to contribute significant effort. Past RLP working groups have resulted in OCLC Research reports, presentations, blog posts, and events.

Participation is available to those at RLP partner institutions. Information regarding new working groups and working group updates are shared with the RLP through OCLC RLP Announce and other topic-specific listservs

Collection Building and Operational Impacts Working Group

A group exploring the intersections between current collecting and collection management practices in special collections, with the goal of developing a lifecycle framework to conceptualize the resources and operations needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives. The major deliverables will be a white paper and a supporting toolkit.

OCLC Leads: Chela Scott Weber

Active: 2018-Present

More info: Working Group


Matthew Beacom
Yale University

Heather Briston
University of California, Los Angeles

Martha Conway
University of Michigan

Gordon Daines
Brigham Young University

Andra Darlington
Getty Research Institute

Audra Eagle Yun
University of California Irvine

Ed Galloway
University of Pittsburgh

Carrie Hintz
Emory University

Jasmine Jones
University of California, Los Angeles

Brigette Kamsler
George Washington University

Mary Kidd
New York Public Library  

Sue Luftschein
University of Southern California

Nicholas Martin
New York University

Erik Moore
University of Minnesota

Susan Pyzynski
Harvard University

Andrea Riley
National Archives and Records Administration

Gioia Stevens
New York University

Interlibrary Loan Cost Calculator Working Group

Working group members are collaborating with OCLC Research to develop an internet-based tool to allow library administrators and practitioners to better understand the costs of sharing collections. 

OCLC Leads: Dennis Massie

Active: 2010-Present

More info: Project page


The ILL Cost Calculator Working Group was formed to design and build a Web-based tool that will allow users to calculate their ILL unit costs and compare with that of other institutions.

Megan Gaffney
University of Delaware

Justin Hill
Temple University

Margarita Moreno
National Library of Australia

Ralph LeVan
OCLC Research

Interlibrary Loan Cost Calculator Beta Testers

Beta testers are working collaboratively with OCLC Research and the ILL Cost Calculator Working Group to provide feedback on an internet-based tool to allow library administrators and practitioners to better understand the costs of sharing collections. 

OCLC Leads: Dennis Massie

Active: 2015-Present

More info: Project page


The ILL Cost Calculator Beta Testers are testing the registration, data gathering, and data submission functions of the ILL Cost Calculator.

Margarita Moreno
National Library of Australia

Megan Gaffney
University of Delaware

Justin Hill
Temple University

Lars Leon
University of Kansas

Brian Miller
The Ohio State University

David Larsen
University of Chicago

Jenny Lee
University of California, Los Angeles

Ronald Figueroa
Syracuse University

Matthew Sheehy
Brandeis University

Josh Steans
University of Wisconsin-Stout

Don Pawl
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

SHARES Best Practices Working Group

The SHARES Best Practices Working Group is a standing group with rotating membership that works to develop SHARES preferred practices.

OCLC Leads: Dennis Massie

Active: 2014-Present

More info: Project page


Ralph Baylor
Frick Collection Art Reference Library

Kathy Britt-Rogers
Emory University

Silvia Cho
CUNY Graduate Center

Jennifer Devito
Stony Brook University

Amy Gherardini
University of Michigan

Katharine Haldeman
Boston University Pappas Law Library

Jenny Lee
University of California, Los Angeles

Aimee Lind
Getty Research Institute

Meg Massey
Pennsylvania State University

Autumn Mather
Art Institute of Chicago

David Perry
Bryn Mawr College

Beth Posner
CUNY Graduate Center

John Sandoval
University of Miami

Phoebe Walker
New York University

SHARES Sharing Special Collections Working Group

The SHARES Sharing Special Collections Working Group is tasked to explore the interlending of materials from special collections among members of the SHARES resource sharing consortium. 

OCLC Leads: Dennis Massie

Active: 2018-Present

More info: Project page


Brian Miller (Chair)
Ohio State University Libraries

Ralph Baylor
Frick Art Reference Library

Lesliediana Jones
George Washington University

Richard Zwiercan
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dennis Massie
OCLC Membership & Research

Past working groups

Archives and Special Collections Linked Data Review Group

A group exploring the descriptive needs of the rare and unique collections communities to be reflected in linked data, with the goal to guide future linked data approaches and services from OCLC.

OCLC Leads: Nathan Putnam, Karen Smith-Yoshimura

Active: 2019-2020

More info: Review Group


Erin Blake
Folger Shakespeare Library

Itza Carbajal
University of Texas Austin

Regine Heberlein
Princeton University

Sarah Horowitz
Haverford College

Jason Kovari
Cornell University

Vanessa Lacey
University of Cambridge

Cory Lampert
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Holly Mengel
University of Pennsylvania

Cory Nimer
Brigham Young University

Maria Oldal
Morgan Library and Museum

Arielle Rambo
Library Company of Philadelphia

Elizabeth Roke
Emory University

Eric de Ruijter
International Institute of Social History

Dan Santamaria
Tufts University

Weatherly Stephan
New York University

Applied Research Agenda Working Group

An effort to develop a white paper, expressing an applied research agenda that charts a path for library community engagement with data science and a range of computation methods.

OCLC Leads: Thomas Padilla

Active: 2019-2020

More info: Working Group


Kenning Arlitsch
Montana State University

Jon Cawthorne
Wayne State University

Karen Estlund
Penn State University

Josh Hadro
IIIF Consortium

Bohyun Kim
University of Rhode Island

Trevor Owens
Library of Congress

Ben Schmidt
Northeastern University

Sarah Shreeves
University of Arizona

MacKenzie Smith
University of California Davis

Claire Stewart
University of Minnesota

Melissa Terras
University of Edinburgh

Diane Vizine-Goetz
OCLC Research

John Wilkin
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Kate Zwaard
Library of Congress

Research Information Management (RIM) Survey Working Group

A group comprised of subject matter experts in RIM practices representing OCLC Research, RLP partners, and euroCRIS who worked collaboratively to develop a survey instrument, synthesize the data, and write the report Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey

OCLC Leads: Rebecca Bryant

Active: 2016-2018

More info: Project page


Pablo de Castro

Anna Clements
University of St. Andrews

Constance Malpas
OCLC Research

Michele Mennielli

Rachael Samberg
University of California-Berkeley

Julie Speer
Virginia Tech

Research Information Management (RIM) Working Group on the Value Proposition of Libraries

Librarians and practitioners discussed the challenges, roles, and transnational differences in research information management, resulting in the position paper titled Research Information Management: Defining RIM and the Library’s Role, which offered an international framework for understanding RIM practices as well as articulating the valuable contributions of libraries in this landscape. 

OCLC Leads: Rebecca Bryant

Active: 2016-2017

More info: Project page


Anna Clements
University of St. Andrews

Carol Feltes
Rockefeller University

David Groenewegen
Monash University

Simon Huggard
La Trobe University

Holly Mercer
University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Roxanne Missingham
Australian National University

Maliaca Oxnam
University of Arizona

Annie Rauh
Syracuse University

John Wright
University of Calgary