OCLC Research & Programming Directory

OCLC Research is organized around different areas of library research and ways libraries can engage with each other and library learning. The areas of the division are: Technical Research, Library Trends and User Research, the Research Library Partnership, and WebJunction. Explore the bios, projects, publications, and presentations of individual members of OCLC Research.


  • Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D.

    Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D.

    Executive Director, Research

    Leads user-centered research on library collections, policies, staffing, and users. Evaluates and assesses library programs.

  • Rachel Frick

    Rachel Frick

    Executive Director, Research Partnerships and Engagement

    Leads the academic and research library engagement activities for OCLC Research through the work of the Research Library Partnership Program.

  • Andrew Harbison

    Andrew Harbison

    Director, WebJunction

    Leads the strategy and team that designs, builds, and maintains the WebJunction online learning network for public library staff.

  • Constance Malpas

    Constance Malpas

    Executive Director, Research and Programming • Global Product Management

    Leads programs across OCLC Research, Product Management and Business Development. Constance interprets market trends to inform research and product strategy.