OCLC Research & Programming Directory
OCLC Research is organized around different areas of library research and ways libraries can engage with each other and library learning. The areas of the division are: Technical Research, Library Trends and User Research, the Research Library Partnership, and WebJunction. Explore the bios, projects, publications, and presentations of individual members of OCLC Research.
Communications Team
Jeanette McNicol
Communications Specialist
Designs OCLC Research reports, manages publications schedules, and is responsible for OCLC Research website updates. Jeanette also supports the RLP efforts.
Erica Melko
Senior Communications Coordinator/Editor
Coordinates communication needs for OCLC Membership & Research. Erica writes content, edits research outputs, and manages communication strategies for the division.
JD Shipengrover
Lead Web Project Analyst
Supports the OCLC Research website and the Hanging Together blog, and has an interest in information visualization and user interface design.