OCLC Research & Programming Directory

OCLC Research is organized around different areas of library research and ways libraries can engage with each other and library learning. The areas of the division are: Technical Research, Library Trends and User Research, the Research Library Partnership, and WebJunction. Explore the bios, projects, publications, and presentations of individual members of OCLC Research.

Research Library Partnership

The Research Library Partnership (RLP) is a venue for research libraries to undertake significant, innovative, collective action to benefit scholars and researchers everywhere. The Program Officers listed below conduct original research along with partner institutions, and organize events, collaborative projects, and working groups.  

  • Rebecca Bryant

    Rebecca Bryant

    Senior Program Officer

    Conducts research and leads RLP activities related to research information management, data management, campus collaboration, and more.

  • Rachel Frick

    Rachel Frick

    Executive Director, Research Partnerships and Engagement

    Leads the academic and research library engagement activities for OCLC Research through the work of the Research Library Partnership Program.

  • Dennis Massie

    Dennis Massie

    Senior Program Officer

    Conceives and manages OCLC Research projects centered on sharing collections and coordinates the SHARES resource sharing consortium.

  • Mercy Procaccini

    Mercy Procaccini

    Senior Program Officer

    Facilitates learning and engagement opportunities, including the Metadata Managers Focus Group and the Works in Progress webinar series.

  • Merrilee Proffitt

    Merrilee Proffitt

    Senior Manager

    Helps manage the OCLC RLP. Webinar & event wrangler. Wikimedia & libraries. Home base at the intersection of special collections & digitization.

  • Richard Urban

    Richard Urban

    Senior Program Officer

    Engages with metadata experts to understand evolving community goals that inform the direction of OCLC research, products, and services.

  • Titia van der Werf

    Titia van der Werf

    Senior Program Officer

    Coordinates OCLC Research work in Europe. Titia combines community of practice and research expertise in the archives and library profession.

  • Chela Scott Weber

    Chela Scott Weber

    Senior Program Officer

    Leads work related to archives, special, and distinctive collections for the Research Library Partnership.