Breaking Out of the Walled Garden: Lessons Learned in Moving Library Linked Data from Research to Production
St. Paul, Minnesota (USA)
In this presentation, Godby shares OCLC's research and participation in standards initiatives whose goal is to pave the way for the adoption of the linked data paradigm as a next-generation solution for the description of resources managed by libraries.
Topics: Linked Data
Using the Semantic Web to Improve Knowledge of Translations
Washington, DC (USA)
Smith-Yoshimura describes how Worldcat contains many rich cataloguing records for translations and how the semantic web can be used to improve associations and present information in the preferred language of the user.
Topics: Linked Data
BIBFRAME and OCLC Works: Defining Models and Discovering Evidence
Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Find out how OCLC researchers are acting on a request from the Library of Congress to align OCLC Works with BIBFRAME works within the larger context of two Program for Cooperative Cataloging Task Groups.
Topics: Linked Data
Challenges of Multilingualism
Lorentz Center, Leiden, (The Netherlands)
Learn from Smith-Yoshimura about challenges of translations in WorldCat, including different writing systems, different transliterations, the pitfalls of metadata, as well as opportunities of linked data.
Topics: Linked Data
Data Designed for Discovery
Bolzano, (Italy)
Tennant provides a research perspective on data designed for discovery and how linked data can solve current issues.
Topics: Linked Data
Linked Data—Bringing the World Closer Together
Sydney, NSW (Australia)
Smith-Yoshimura delves into the world of linked data and how it can help the library field.
Topics: Linked Data