Applying Research Methods: Opportunities for Engagement and Progress
Madrid (Spain)
This presentation details research methods, and data collection and data analysis tools and methods used in library and information schools over the years, as well as challenges and opportunities.
Topics: Research Methods
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research Methods in Information Behavior Studies
Kraków (Poland)
This presentation details research methods, and data collection and data analysis tools and methods used in library and information schools over the years for information behavior studies, as well as challenges and opportunities.
Topics: User Research, Research Methods
Teaching Research Methods in LIS Programs: Approaches, Formats, and Innovative Strategies
Denver, CO (US)
Silipigni Connaway moderates this panel that describes the rationale for teaching research methods, reviews competencies and guidelines of research, research methods in LIS pedagogy, and discussion and knowledge sharing by the panel.
Topics: Research Methods
Survey Research
This presentation covers popular LIS research methods, describes the advantages and disadvantages of different types of survey research, describes data analysis tools and methods, and uses the OCLC Research Report Seeking Synchronicity as an example of this work.
Topics: Research Methods