Digging into the Research: An Overview of Models and Networks
Three researchers and program officers share how OCLC Research develops models to help research libraries (and others) with sensemaking, striving for our models to be useful and to facilitate big picture thinking.
Topics: Research Methods
Leading the 21st Century Research Library
Marseille (France)
Program officers and researchers share recent OCLC Research into European practices related to linked data, research data management, persistent identifiers, open access, and research information management.
Topics: Linked Data, Research Data Management, Research Information Management, Open Access
Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey (video)
This webinar shares findings from the report “Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey,” which provides a comprehensive view of international RIM practices and offers insights for libraries building or considering RIM services.
Topics: Research Information Management, Works in Progress