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Building Cross-campus Relationships

Building Cross-campus Relationships in Research Support Services

By Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie

CNI Fall Membership Meeting

This presentation provides an overview of findings from the recent OCLC Research report “Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and the University Research Enterprise.”

Topics: Research Data Management, Research Support

Acquiring RDM Services for Your Institution (video)

Acquiring RDM Services for Your Institution (video)

By Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie

In the third and final  webinar of the three-part Realities of Data Management webinar series, we examine how institutions are making decisions about infrastructures, services, and personnel to support local RDM services.


Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

The Realities of Research Data Management

The Realities of Research Data Management

By Annette Dortmund, Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas

CODATA RDM Symposium 2018
Göttingen (Germany)

In recent years, research data management (RDM) has assumed an increasingly prominent place in scholarly communication, funder requirements, codes of academic practice, university research strategy, and even national policy. Learn about OCLC's research in RDM and the role of libraries in this work.

Topics: Research Data Management