
Works in Progress Webinar: Building research data management capacity through strategic collaboration
View this webinar to learn about key findings from recent OCLC Research efforts that explore library collaboration.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Data Management

“OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO” together: Case studies in cross-institutional collaboration
This presentation includes a brief introduction to social interoperability followed by two rich case studies of successful cross-campus collaboration by panelists at Syracuse and Waterloo Universities.
Topics: Research Support, Research Information Management, Research Data Management
Opening Keynote: Workflow is the New Content
The digital environment makes workflow support more important, as activities, content, and communications are tied together on the network in various combinations. In his opening keynote, Dempsey discusses a variety of issues, in the context of changing research behaviors, metrics, the move to open, and other factors, with a library or research setting in mind.
Topics: Research Support, Research Information Management, Research Data Management

Open for All, Reusable for Whom?: A Review of What Data Reusers Want and How Data Repositories Can Deliver
Drawing from data reuse studies, we create a feature set to assess how data repositories are meeting data reuse needs. We use our findings to showcase desirable features in use to prototype the design of a reuser-oriented data repository that developers can use to improve their data repository interface.
Topics: Open Access, Research Data Management
Open for all. Reusable for whom? A review of what data reusers want and how data repositories can deliver
Presenters review past studies of data reusers, specifically a qualitative study of 105 researchers from three disciplinary communities: quantitative social science, archaeology, and zoology.
Topics: Research Data Management

Social Interoperability Workshop 3: Making Your Plan for Developing Cross-Functional Relationships at Our Institution
In this final workshop, the trainers offer some additional resources to support participants. Participants share what they’ve learned, describe what tactics they will adapt, and develop a list of activities they plan to adopt.
Topics: Research Data Management, Research Support, Research Information Management

Social Interoperability Workshop 2: Case Studies in Successful Social Interoperability
The second workshop examines strategies and tactics that can support successful social interoperability. Participants discuss several case studies that exemplify successful cross-institutional collaboration.
Topics: Research Data Management, Research Support, Research Information Management
Social Interoperability Workshop 1: Understanding Social and Structural Norms That Shape Academic Institutional Collaboration
This first session explores the social and structural norms that shape academic institutional collaboration, particularly examining the model of universities as “complex, adaptive systems.”
Topics: Research Data Management, Research Support, Research Information Management

Facilitating Successful Cross-Campus Partnerships to Further the University Research Enterprise
This presentation provides an introduction to the recent OCLC Research report, Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and The University Research Enterprise.
Topics: Research Information Management, Research Support, Research Data Management

Building Cross-campus Relationships in Research Support Services
This presentation provides an overview of findings from the recent OCLC Research report “Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and the University Research Enterprise.”
Topics: Research Data Management, Research Support