Vers un changement de cap : les bibliothèques, expertes en métadonnées au service de la recherche
11 July 2018
Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Contance Malpas
This excerpt of the OCLC Research Report, The Realities of Research Data Management—published in the French journal Archimag—examines the categories of incentives that inspired four research universities to acquire RDM capacity: compliance, evolving scholarly norms, institutional strategy, and research demand.
Beyond the Archive: Bridging Data Creation and Reuse in Archaeology
3 May 2018
Ixchel Faniel, Anne Austin, Eric Kansa, Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Phoebe France, Jennifer Jacobs, Ran Boytner, and Elizabeth Yakel
The Secret Life of Data (SLO-data) project traces the lifecycle of data in archaeology to make recommendations to improve data management and better align data creation and reuse. It proposes a “slow data” approach to emphasize curation, contextualization, and communication to streamline data collection for reuse.
The Realities of Research Data Management Part Four: Sourcing and Scaling University RDM Services
26 April 2018
Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas
This report series explores how research universities are managing research data throughout the research lifecycle. This fourth report in this series examines the sourcing and scaling choices made by four research universities in their acquisition of research data management (RDM) capacity.
Librarians' Perspectives on the Factors Influencing Research Data Management Programs
9 January 2018
Ixchel Faniel, Lynn Silipigni Connaway
This study contextualizes librarians’ roles in campus research data management (RDM) programs at US academic libraries through their RDM experiences supporting research needs. Interviews with academic librarians surfaced five factors of influence that facilitate or constrain academic library RDM activity.
The Realities of Research Data Management Part Three: Incentives for Building University RDM Services
4 January 2018
Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas
The Realities of Research Data Management series explores the research data management (RDM) capacity acquisition incentives motivating research universities. The third report creates four categories of RDM capacity incentives: compliance, evolving scholarly norms, institutional strategy, and researcher demand.