Research Information Management in the United States
11 November 2021
Rebecca Bryant, Jan Fransen, Pablo de Castro, Brenna Helmstutler, David Scherer
This two-part report series provides a first-of-its-kind documentation of research information management (RIM) practices at US research universities, presenting a thorough examination of RIM practices, goals, stakeholders, and system components.

Research Information Management in the United States Part 2 - Case Studies
11 November 2021
Rebecca Bryant, Jan Fransen, Pablo de Castro, Brenna Helmstutler, David Scherer
This two-part report series provides a first-of-its-kind documentation of research information management (RIM) practices at US research universities, presenting a thorough examination of RIM practices, goals, stakeholders, and system components.

New Model Library: Pandemic Effects and Library Directions
28 October 2021
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ixchel M. Faniel, Brittany Brannon, Joanne Cantrell, Christopher Cyr, Brooke Doyle, Peggy Gallagher, Kem Lang, Brian Lavoie, Janet Mason, and Titia van der Werf
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted libraries of all types around the world, requiring library leaders to respond to rapidly shifting community and institutional needs. This briefing shares how leaders adapted during the pandemic and what they envision moving forward to help libraries plan strategically.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Study 2021
1 September 2021
Libraries bring unique strengths and collective strength to global sustainability challenges. To inspire more conversations, expanded engagement, and action that leads to impact, OCLC Global Council set its FY21 area of focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Total Cost of Stewardship: An Annotated Bibliography for Responsible Collection Building
16 March 2021
Chela Scott Weber, Martha O’Hara Conway, Nicholas Martin, Gioia Stevens, Brigette Kamsler.
The Total Cost of Stewardship framework is a holistic approach to understanding the resources needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives and special collections. Included materials: Research Report, Annotated Bibliography, and Tool Suite, which includes a Manual, Cost Estimators, and Communication Tools.

Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections
16 March 2021
Chela Scott Weber, Martha O’Hara Conway, Nicholas Martin, Gioia Stevens, Brigette Kamsler.
The Total Cost of Stewardship framework is a holistic approach to understanding the resources needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives and special collections. Included materials: Research Report, Annotated Bibliography, and Tool Suite, which includes a Manual, Cost Estimators, and Communication Tools.

Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections - Tool Suite
16 March 2021
Chela Scott Weber, Martha O’Hara Conway, Nicholas Martin, Gioia Stevens, Brigette Kamsler.
The Total Cost of Stewardship framework is a holistic approach to understanding the resources needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives and special collections. Included materials: Research Report, Annotated Bibliography, and Tool Suite, which includes a Manual, Cost Estimators, and Communication Tools.

Transforming Metadata into Linked Data to Improve Digital Collection Discoverability: A CONTENTdm Pilot Project
21 January 2021
Greta Bahnemann, Michael Carroll, Paul Clough, Mario Einaudi, Chatham Ewing, Jeff Mixter, Jason Roy, Holly Tomren, Bruce Washburn, Elliot Williams
This report shares the CONTENTdm Linked Data Pilot project findings. In this pilot project, OCLC and five partner institutions investigated methods for—and the feasibility of—transforming metadata into linked data to improve the discoverability and management of digitized cultural materials.