A Platform Publication for a Time of Accelerating Change
by: Lorcan Dempsey and Scott Walter
Over the past year, the editorial board of College & Research Libraries has explored ways in which the transition to an open-access, digital-only publishing model might allow us to re-envision the role of the journal in the academic and research library community. To date, we have focused on establishing an infrastructure allowing for broader engagement with our readers and broader dissemination of the studies published in the journal, e.g., through the establishment of the social media program, the registration of digital object identifiers, and the launch of new programs such as the C&RLOnline Forum. Lorcan Dempsey and Scott Walter think creatively about the role that the journal might play in promoting greater awareness of scholarly research and data-informed discussion of issues of critical concern both to libraries and to the institutions of which we are a part.
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Suggested Citation:
Dempsey, Lorcan and Scott Walter. 2014. "A Platform Publication for a Time of Accelerating Change." College & Research Libraries 75 (November):760-762. doi:10.5860/crl.75.6.760. http://crl.acrl.org/content/75/6/760.full.pdf+html