RAMP – the Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal: A Prototype Web Service that Accurately Counts Item Downloads from Institutional Repositories
by: Patrick OBrien, Kenning Arlitsch, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan Wheeler, and Leila Belle Sterman
The purpose of this paper is to present data that begin to detail the deficiencies of log file analytics reporting methods that are commonly built into institutional repository (IR) platforms. The authors propose a new method for collecting and reporting IR item download metrics. This paper introduces a web service prototype that captures activity that current analytics methods are likely to either miss or over-report.
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Suggested Citation:
Patrick OBrien, Kenning Arlitsch, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan Wheeler, Leila Belle Sterman, (2017) "RAMP – the Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal: A prototype web service that accurately counts item downloads from institutional repositories", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 35 Issue: 1, pp.144-158, https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-11-2016-0122