
“I still go ask someone I enjoy talking to”: The use of digital and human sources by educational stage and context

By Chris Cyr, Brittany Brannon, and Lynn Silipigni Connaway

How does educational stage affect the way people find information? In previous research using the Digital Visitors & Residents (V&R) framework for semi-structured interviews, context was a factor in how individuals behaved. This study of 145 online, open-ended surveys examines the impact that one's V&R educational stage has on the likelihood of attending to digital and human sources across four contexts. These contexts vary according to whether the search was professional or personal and successful or struggled. The impact of educational stage differs based on context. In some contexts, people at higher educational stages are more likely to attend to digital sources and less likely to attend to human sources. In other contexts, there is no statistically significant difference (p < 0.10) among educational stages. These findings provide support for previous V&R research, while also demonstrating that online surveys can be used to supplement and balance the data collected from semi-structured interviews. 

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Suggested citation

Cyr, Christopher, Brittany Brannon, Lynn Silipigni Connaway. 2021. "'I Still Go Ask Someone I Enjoy Talking To’: The Use of Digital and Human Sources by Educational Stage and Context" Library & Information Science Research."
OCLC Research Preprint. In Press, 6 January 2021.