JUL 25

Works in Progress Webinar: Why don't research impact LibGuides include bias-related resources?

In this presentation, Sheila Craft-Morgan shares insights from her recent investigation into the content of LibGuides on research impact topics at ARL institutions.

This event is on-demand.


The slides contain an extensive list of resources mentioned during the presentation: 
Slides - Download PPTX


  • Sheila Craft-Morgan, Research Impact Librarian, The Ohio State University


Research libraries increasingly provide support and education on the topic of research impact. But what information are they providing users about the biases baked into frequently used research metric resources?

In this presentation, Sheila Craft-Morgan shared insights from her recent investigation into the content of LibGuides on research impact topics at ARL institutions. While these LibGuides consistently provided information and resources about impact metrics, author identity management, and responsible use of metrics, few guides contained content about bias related to research metrics or its impacts on underrepresented populations.

Research libraries have the opportunity to broaden their support and education on the topic of  bias in library-produced resources. Sheila concluded her presentation by discussing how this research informs her work at Ohio State and shared some exemplar LibGuides from the ARL sample.

This webinar will be relevant to anyone interested in bibliometric and research impact activities, particularly scholarly communication librarians and library leaders, as well as professionals working in institutional research, research administration, academic affairs, and campus communications. 

All affiliates of OCLC Research Library Partnership organizations are invited to participate in live webinar sessions. 

View recording


25 July 2023


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

Live webinar sessions are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.